Friday, February 26, 2016

Cupcakes and Cashmere: A Book Review

Décor, style, and fashion never really meant much to me. As long as my room looked nice and my clothes were pretty, I was fine. But then, about a month ago, I started thinking about my "look." Was it casual, rustic, etc.? Did I have anything about my "look" that was purely "me?" Did I have a distinct style? I wasn't really sure about any of these questions, and that's when I came across Cupcakes and Cashmere by Emily Schuman. It was an accident, really, that I found the book. I was wandering around my library, rather bored, waited for family members to finish finding their books, when I came across the fashion section. I rifled through the books until I hit Cupcakes and Cashmere, and the book was so cute I had to bring it home with me!

I read straight through that book in a few days, and it opened up so much to me. Emily laid out basic elements of style and fashion for each season (extremely helpful in my case) and beauty tips (I found the hair curling and manicure layouts and instructions very interesting). I'm not big into throwing parties (a third aspect dealt with in Cupcakes and Cashmere), but some of those recipes looked really good! This book had something for everyone!

What particularly inspired me, however, was the home décor and organization sections of the book. As I read, I found myself challenged and wanting to renovate my own bedroom. Countless possibilities sprang from my mind as I read how Emily had decorated her own home from with items from countless flea markets, sales, and other such places. With all of this fresh before my eyes, I could hardly stop myself from wanting to buy everything I saw at an antique mall; everything screamed at me to take them home and repurpose them! Thanks to this book, I soon had a long list of ideas and plans on how to renovate my space.
So, if you're a budding fashion or home décor or party throwing enthusiast, this is a great and awesome book for you! If you'd like to buy this book, you can do so here. I hope that you'll enjoy this book as much I did! Or, if you'd rather read her blog, which the book is based off of, you can do so here.

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