Friday, March 4, 2016

5 Simple Repurposing Ideas for Your Bedroom

Over the past week or so, I've been re-organizing my bedroom and rummaging through all of my stashes of VITs (very-important-things, and no, I do not keep junk). I've been repurposing some of those VITs and using them for storage, decoration, etc. Below I've listed a few of the things I've repurposed, and I hope they give you a little inspiration in the way of bedroom décor and organization.
1. Repurpose an old fashion scarf into a door ornament. Choose a scarf that isn't too thick for the door handle, and also make sure that it's not too long; you don't want it dragging on the ground. Pick a scarf with a color goes well with your room; you don't want clashing colors and hues.
2. Repurpose large mugs into holders for the many things on your desk or dresser. I have three mugs that I find way too large for drinking my morning hot chocolate, so I use them to  hold some of my things. As you can see, one holds my hair brushes, the second holds my many nail polish bottles, and the thirds contains papers and this and that. It's very handy to have all of these things at easy access on my desk.

3. Repurpose small, pretty plates and bowls into jewelry displayers. I've had the little plate for ages in my drawer, and a green glass bowl that I purchased recently. I use the plate to hold my extra necklace chains, and the glass bowl holds my bracelets. I like having my bracelets out in plain sight, or otherwise I'll forget I even own them! I also like to throw my ring into the bowl as I head to bed.

4. Repurpose an old picture frame into a display for a colorful stamp collection. A few years ago I cut out the stamps from envelopes and taped them into an old frame, creating a fun picture to look at. If you want something slightly out of the ordinary, find an old picture frame in your boxes or buy one for a few dollars at a thrift, and get to work! It won't be long before you have a beautiful array of stamps.
5. Repurpose the boxes from your boxed book sets into magazine holders. Looking for a place to store your many magazines that seem to slip and slide all of the place? Browse your bookshelves for any boxed book sets and use the boxes to store your magazines. Not all boxes will be the right size, but I happened to strike gold, and my boxes were the perfect size! I haven't done anything to cheer up the rather ugly gray cardboard, but I have a few ideas. What are they? That's for another time and blog post!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my five simple ways to repurpose things and cheer up your bedroom! See you next time!

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